AR in Journalism: Enhancing Storytelling Techniques

September 28, 2021

Augmented reality (AR) technology has been transforming various industries, including journalism. AR has the potential to enhance storytelling techniques by providing immersive experiences to readers. In recent years, AR technology has been integrated into news reporting, enabling readers to interact with news stories in new ways. In this blog post, we will explore the potential use of AR in journalism and compare its advantages and drawbacks.

Advantages of AR in Journalism

Enhancing story visualization

AR technology allows journalists to create a visual representation of a story, which can help readers to understand complex concepts. For example, AR can help explain a scientific discovery by creating a 3D model that can be explored visually. This can help readers to grasp the concept more easily, providing a more immersive and engaging news experience.

Immersive experience

AR provides an immersive experience that enables readers to interact with the news story in a more personal and engaging way. For example, news organizations could use AR to create a virtual reality tour of a war-torn region or a natural disaster site, which can help readers to connect with the news story on an emotional level.


AR technology provides a platform for personalized news experiences. News organizations could use AR-powered apps to deliver personalized news stories to readers. These stories would be customized for the reader’s interests and preferences, providing a more engaging and personalized news experience.

Drawbacks of AR in Journalism

Limited accessibility

AR technology requires a smartphone, tablet or other devices, which may not be accessible to all readers. Also, AR-powered news stories require a stable internet connection or a dedicated app, which may not be feasible for all readers.

Expensive technology

AR technology can be expensive for news organizations, which may not have the resources to invest in AR technology. AR storytelling requires advanced software, hardware, and expertise, which can increase the cost of implementing AR in journalism.

The Future of AR in Journalism

AR in journalism is still in its early stages, and its potential is yet to be fully realized. The technology has the potential to provide immersive, multi-sensory experiences that can help readers to understand news stories on a deeper level. However, AR may not be suitable for all audiences and news stories. Despite the drawbacks, AR technology can help journalists to create more engaging and informative news stories.


AR technology has the potential to change the way we consume news. Its ability to provide immersive experiences and enhance storytelling techniques makes it an attractive tool for journalists. However, its drawbacks, such as limited accessibility and high costs, should also be taken into consideration. As AR technology continues to develop, it will be interesting to see how news organizations integrate it into their reporting and how readers respond to this new form of journalism.


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  • Kolo, C., Wei, R., & Chen, Y. (2018). The future of immersive journalism: A model for exploring the impact of virtual reality on journalism. Journalism, 19(1), 114-133.

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